"My name is Rachael Sanman & I work for Dr. Atoya Adams in Las Vegas. We have a clinical trial currently enrolling new patients for a new, subcutaneous injection for patients with Celiac Disease...This study is the first of its kind - it uses an injection given twice per week (in our office for the first 12 doses, then a combination of at home & in office visits for the remaining injections) with the intention of increasing the threshold of reactivity when exposed to gluten & potentially to restore clinical tolerance to gluten....For this study, they need to have been diagnosed via biopsy, but having the blood test results is hugely beneficial as well. We will also need a copy of their medical records. If by some chance we cannot get the blood test result & the pathology report, the sponsor has been allowing participation if the patient can get their physician to write a letter confirming their diagnosis."
If anyone has any questions, they can contact Rachel directly at [email protected]