- LIKE our Facebook Page (1 entry): https://www.facebook.com/glutenfreeinlasvegas
- FOLLOW us on Twitter (1 entry): http://twitter.com/gfinlasvegas
- SUBSCRIBE to our Blog (1 entry): http://glutenfreeinlv.wordpress.com
- LIKE the GFAFWellness Event Facebook Page (1 entry): https://www.facebook.com/GFAFWellnessEvent
- FOLLOW the GFAFWellness Event on Twitter (1 entry): http://twitter.com/GFAFWellness
Simply send an email to [email protected] by Thursday, April 16th at 4pm...just send us your name and let us know how many chances you earned (please be honest). It's really that easy!!
But remember you only have until Thursday the 16th at 4:00pm (PST)...we will do the drawing immediately following the end of the contest, and all winners will be notified by email that same evening. GOOD LUCK!!!